Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Revolution ,or Rebellion?

The show of a clenched fist by ZANU PF is a strong signal of fight and strife. Potent during the days of he liberation struggle, the clenched fist showed rabid defance to a rogue regime which threatened the very social and moral fabric of the people in the country. 

Upon gaining independence the clenched fist has remained very much a strong signal. Intolerant to divergent views, hard and crushing on public policy, determined as ever to define who the enemy is and what the people should never dare support. 

It has been the same clenched fist that has bred a harsh state media that uses filthy imagery to denigrate any opposition memeber. In fact, a state media that goes to the extent of showing explicit images of a clergyman in order to defile not only his standing, but his ideals and his church's standing. 

We have been in a rebellion, not a revolution, against the west and its efforts at establishing control on Zimbabwe since Independence. In all this time, government has not recognised the need to establish social freedom and to evolve the way we regard opposition, state vs. govt functions, and on and on. 

We need to look at an electoral process that knowledges the power of the rebellion and the fruits it brought, while emphasizing the need for a revolution to change mindsets of the same. 

People should be voting for a new outlook in Zimbabwean politics, an outlook that seeks to make harmony with the forces that surround the country, not one that assumes that citizens will never hace a say in all they do.