Wednesday, 19 March 2008




19 March 2008


The Combined Harare Residents wishes to advise residents in the southern part of Harare that the Officer commanding Southerton Police district has denied them clearances to hold the meet the candidate public meetings”. The Association has thus been incapacitated and unlawfully prevented from affording residents a platform to meet their potential leaders and engage them on manifestos. The refusal to grant clearances is a direct assault to democracy and the association’s right to freedom of assembly, freedom of association and expression.


The Police allege that CHRA intends to use these platforms to motivate residents to be violent should the opposition loose the elections. They also allege that they do not have sufficient manpower for political rallies and civic programs. They urged the Association to motivate its members to attend party political platforms if they want to listen to manifestoes. CHRA maintains its non-partisan stance and would like to engage contesting candidates on their manifestos in neutral platforms.


The refusal by the police to grant clearance is thus an assault to our civic duty to enhance resident’s participations in matters of local governance. It is abuse of power by the police bent on creating chaos in the elections and subverting the will of the people. The new delimitations have created a lot of uncertainty and the Zimbabwe Election Commission has not done enough voter educations. The Association thus uses these platforms to educate residents on how to vote and address questions on ward boundaries.


The Association has been invited to the inter-party political dialogue to negotiate on the holding of rallies and political meetings. It is hoped that the Association will be allowed to continue with its series. We are aware of the political allegiance of the police and note their evident timid ness and fear in affording residents platforms to meet other candidates from various political parties.  The Association however commends other officers of the police who have granted clearances for public meetings in other areas.


Public meetings have been held in Mount Pleasant , Mabvuku and other northern parts of Harare . Residents in these areas have welcomed these meetings and have found them educative especially on matters to do with ward boundaries. This years Municipal elections are different form the past. The Mayor is not chosen directly by the people but by the college of councilors instead. It is important for residents to vote councilors with integrity and a proven track record of community development as these are potential Mayoral candidates for the City.  


We demand our Civic space

Remember your councilor is a potential Mayor


“CHRA for enhanced civic participation in local governance”


Farai Barnabas Mangodza

Chief Executive Officer

Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA)

145 Robert Mugabe Way

Exploration House, Third Floor


 Landline: 00263- 4- 705114


Contacts: Mobile : 0912638401, 011443578, 011862012 or email

Rule them for life - Gadaffi urges Museveni

Riding in a taxi from Entebbe to Kampala, I was surprised to see us pulling to the side to allow three sets of motorcades to pass. It was not like seeing Mugabe's motorcade back home; people in the streets did not freeze, the taxi driver certainly did not stop talking, nor did the patrol car just in front of us blare out "get out of the road, voetsak!" 

Gaddafi is in town, and the city is abuzz. He has shown his pechant for longevity and struggle by encouraging Museveni to rule for life if people still want him. He has also urged the West to leave Mugabe to run elections the way he wants. 

There is a disease in Africa that sees old horses backing each other right to the finish line. The finish line is not the boiling pot where they will be churned into glue to bind the nations together; no. The finish line is a long trail of trials for brutal murders, hangings, rapes, thievery and corruption. Their finish line is a hoard of disgrace where, like the old donkey which dies by the road side, their shame will be strewn out in the road for people to decry. 

If and when people in Uganda want a new leader, they should be able to choose one. Museveni should leave the office for another to take up. But will he, a fourth term is in sight. The prospects are too high. 

Zimbabwe faces the same element. Mugabe looks at the end of march as a reivigoration of his ageing campaign. Strike fear and spread trauma in the hearts of the electorate, and you are guaranteed another term in office. 

I shudder to think what will happen to Africa.