Monday, 11 February 2008

MDC Mutambara to Court Makoni

In a statement released yesterday, the Movement for Democratic Change (Mutambara) faction declared that it would consider engaging with Makoni ahead of the Presidential elections.
The statement reads, in part,
The MDC National Council met today (10 February) to review and consider the candidate selection process going on throughout the country for the harmonized elections scheduled for the 29th March 2008.

Council expressed satisfaction with the progress which has been made to date, and called for finalisation of the process at all levels.

Council also noted the recent announcement by Dr Simba Makoni that he will stand as a Presidential candidate in the forthcoming elections. Council mandated the Party’s Management Committee to remain engaged with all progressive Opposition formations desirous of creating a united front to confront the Mugabe regime in the forthcoming elections within a single candidate philosophy framework.

The move is in stark contrast to the declaration made by Morgan Tsvangirai's faction against a union of forces with Makoni. According to Zimdaily, Morgan's faction has categorically dismissed any coalition with Makoni, or Mutambara for that matter.

With the support that Makoni is receiving at present, coupled with sterling work carried out by the hoard of MP's under the Mutambara faction; the coalition may just prove to be the best move yet for either of the two. It remains to be seen whether Makoni will accede to the open call. Recent reports declare that he still has ties with the old ZANU PF and has in fact got the backing of disgruntled stalwarts who may not be so willing to tie with the MDC just yet.

We wait to see what the future holds.

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