It is useful for the general public to know what is not allowed during an election campaign and election. If you become aware of any such conduct, please contact your candidate or lawyer or ZEC, or all three. It sounds like some candidates and campaign teams are already guilty - check it out!
Please pass this information on to others, far and wide. Thank you.
Trudy Stevenson MP
133B Intimidation
This involves force or threat – fine up to level 14 or 2 years imprisonment or both.
133C Preventing political party or candidate from campaigning
Fine up to level 10 or 5 years prison or both.
133D Theft or destruction of voter identification
Fine up to level 6 or 1 year imprisonment or both.
136 Bribery
Vote-buying: fine up to level 7 or 2 years imprisonment or both.
137 Personation
Voting twice, or in place of another person or when not entitled: Fine up to level 7 or 2 years prison or both.
138 Additional Penalties for corrupt practices
Any person convicted of corrupt practice is also declared incapable of voting or filling public office for 5 years.
Code of Conduct - Fourth Schedule
No political party, candidate, member or supporter may –
a) Harm or threaten to harm others participating in an election;
b) Use language or act in a way that may provoke violence or intimidation;
c) Publish false or defamatory allegations about a party, its candidates, representatives or members;
d) Discriminate on the grounds of race, ethnicity, sex, gender, class or religion in connection with an election or political party;
e) Damage or deface property, including the election posters, placards, banners and other election material of another party or candidate;
f) Bar or inhibit access to meetings or to voters for the purpose of election campaigning;
g) Carry or display weapons at political meetings or at matches, demonstrations, rallies or other public political events;
h) Bribe or threaten a voter to vote for a particular candidate;
i) Force a voter to reveal the identity of the candidate voted for;
j) Disrupt the work of election officials at a polling or counting centre;
k) Campaign or display campaign material within 300 m of a polling station or counting centre.
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